Doctora por la Universidad de Illinois, en Urbana-Champaign (1975), donde comenzó en 1978 su actividad docente como profesora de sociolingüística y comunicación oral. Profesora de estudios de la mujer, sociología y lingüística de la Universidad de Illinois (1985 -1996), directora del centro de estudios de la mujer (1993-1996) y cofundadora del WITS, Women, Information Technology & Scholarship (1991-1996). Profesora visitante en el Center for the Study of Women in Society de la Universidad de Oregon (1996-), de la que es directora. Profesora visitante de las universidades de Colorado, en Denver, Natal-Durban, Baroda (India), Amsterdam, Konstanz y Londres.
Entre sus libros: Feminist Challenges in the Information Age (co-ed.), Leske+Budrich, 2002; Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Women's Global Issues and Knowledge, (co-ed.), 4 vols., Routledge, Nueva York, 2000; Women, Information Technology, and Scholarship (co-ed.), University of Illinois, Urbana, 1993; The Knowledge Explosion: Generations of Feminist Scholarship (with Dale Spender, eds.), Teachers College Press, Nueva York, 1992; The Revolution in Words: Righting Women 1868-187 (con Lana Rakow), Routledge, Londres, 1990; Radical Press of the 1850s. Excerpts from six 1850s feminist newspapers, annotations and analysis (con Ann Russo), Routledge, Londres, 1990; Technology and Women's Voices (ed.), Routledge, Londres, 1988; Language and Power (co-ed.). Sage, Beverly Hills, Cal., 1984;Language, Gender and Society (co-ed.), Mass: Newbury, Rowley, Mass., 1983; Women and Men Speaking: Frameworks for Analysis, Newbury, Rowley, Mass, 1981; The Voices and Words of Women and Men (ed.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980.
Entre sus libros: Feminist Challenges in the Information Age (co-ed.), Leske+Budrich, 2002; Routledge International Encyclopedia of Women: Women's Global Issues and Knowledge, (co-ed.), 4 vols., Routledge, Nueva York, 2000; Women, Information Technology, and Scholarship (co-ed.), University of Illinois, Urbana, 1993; The Knowledge Explosion: Generations of Feminist Scholarship (with Dale Spender, eds.), Teachers College Press, Nueva York, 1992; The Revolution in Words: Righting Women 1868-187 (con Lana Rakow), Routledge, Londres, 1990; Radical Press of the 1850s. Excerpts from six 1850s feminist newspapers, annotations and analysis (con Ann Russo), Routledge, Londres, 1990; Technology and Women's Voices (ed.), Routledge, Londres, 1988; Language and Power (co-ed.). Sage, Beverly Hills, Cal., 1984;Language, Gender and Society (co-ed.), Mass: Newbury, Rowley, Mass., 1983; Women and Men Speaking: Frameworks for Analysis, Newbury, Rowley, Mass, 1981; The Voices and Words of Women and Men (ed.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980.
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